As long as there is love, there will be grief. The grief of time passing, of life moving on half-finished, of empty spaces that were once bursting with the laughter and energy of people we loved.
As long as there is love there will be grief because grief is love's natural continuation.
It shows up in the aisles of stores we once frequented, in the half-finished bottle of wine we pour out, in the whiff of cologne we get two years after they've been gone.
Grief is a giant neon sign, protruding through everything, pointing everywhere, broadcasting loudly, "Love was here." In the finer print, quietly, "Love still is."
- Heidi Priebe
🎨Paco LaFarga
Julie-ann McKay
13th August 2024
Thank you for setting up a tribute to Ann.
We hope you find it a place of comfort and inspiration that you, family and friends can visit whenever you want to.
If we can do anything else to support or help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Sent by Central England Co-operative on 13/08/2024